designer / illustrator / berkeley, ca

Hello! My name is Alina Buevich and I’m a designer & illustrator—sometimes you can spot my work at events but other times it lives online, in print, or even on some merch. Outside of that, I also spend my time drawing, taking on freelance projects, and collaborating on lump shop. In a lot of these projects you’ll see examples of work from my time as an in-house designer at Discord and Chronicle Books.

Any questions . ?

Discord Social Media 

/ 2020–2023
A smattering of designs and illustrations made for blog headers, event banners, instagram posts, and more. Most of these images were resized into at least several sizes and dimensions to be able to fit posting and size restrictions for all the varying platforms.

Blog Banner for College Ambassadors 
iOS Boosting Post
Keyboard Giveaway Post
Juneteenth In-App Banner
Blog Header for Building Community
CS Anniversary Post

Gen Z Apps

/ 2023
To celebrate the launch of 4 new branded apps in the Discord App Directory, the marketing team requested a visual asset that would 
  1. appeal to Gen Z sensibilities,
  2. show off some of the functionality of these apps,
  3. and most importantly, convey an overall feeling of friends hanging out. 

This project was a lot of fun to work through in the concepting phase so I’ve included more information on a separate page so that you can read more about the process from beginning to end:

Social asset that emphasized the 4 main slash commands connected to each app
A Linkedin asset for the 4 featured app companies
Simplified blog banner with no text

F&F Campaigns

/ 2018
Chronicle Books has two big sale moments per year: the summer and winter “Friends & Family” sales. I worked on all of them over the course of my tenure but I wanted to highlight 2018’s campaigns in particular—the summer campaign was a great exercise in learning a new skill (simple animation using adobe after effects) and the winter campaign was a fun collaboration with paper artist, Riza Cruz.

Summer 2018 Campaign

Winter 2018 Campaign

Chronicle Books Website Redesign

/ 2018
As the sole designer on the full-scale redesign of the company’s website, I worked with the online marketing team to refresh and simplify our online presence so that the books could shine. My duties included front-end web design, creating a new visual illustration style for the brand, and art directing photoshoots.

A set of icons that set the tone for the rest of the site’s redesign
A footer image of the SF skyline
Extending the visual styling into button and pop up UI
More fun illustrations, a branded stamp seal, and a smattering of UI

CB Animated Gifs

/ 2017–2019